Nice scores from PBT’ers

Posted in poker with tags , , , on August 13, 2009 by pokerbytrade

In the last few days, PBT members have won over $20k in various online tournaments. PokerByTrade owner Rob aka lilprog got the ball rolling with a win in Poker Stars $8 rebuy for just over $7000.00, then followed it up the next day by winning a $33 plo8 tourney on Stars for $1k . mddgfc who seemingly has come out of nowhere has over $15k in winnings just this week along highlighted by a $13k score on Stars. No doubt investors are thrilled, and its just a matter of time before mddgfc blows up.

Other recent scores include:

geminiJules – $532.00 in the FTP $5.50 nolimit Holdem Tournament

Illini – $309.45 in the Cake $33.00 nolimit Holdem Tournament

luckynutz21 – $1292.37 in the Stars $5.50 nolimit Holdem Tournament

A_Guttormsen – $1907.00 in the Cake $2000.00 nolimit Holdem Tournament

Poker1ab – $252.31 in the Stars $33.00 nolimit Holdem Tournament

PunkyBeau – $318.50 in the FTP $5.50 potlimit omaha Tournament

AtrophiedFin – $371.70 in the Absolute $93.00 nolimit Holdem Tournament

To get in on the action, simply go to and sign up. There is a ton of action going on currently, and some great investment opportunities for those looking to back solid players. With the FTOPS in full swing, and the WCOOP right around the corner, no doubt a PokerByTrade member will make a huge score.

PokerByTrade launches it’s new Beta Site

Posted in poker with tags , , , , , , on August 8, 2009 by pokerbytrade

After months or programming and testing, PokerByTrade offically launched it’s new beta version August 1st.  Tons of new features have been installed making it truly unique.  PokerByTrade installed a new internal messeging system, investors have the option to recieve email alerts to update them on the status if their investments.  A new hand posting features eliminates the need to go off site to post hands for review.  PokerByTrade Live will replace the old “Im Deep” section giving the community up to the minute chip stacks of players deep in tournaments as well as place, and remaining players.

On the list of upcoming features will be our VIP Program.  We think it is imperative to take care of those who entrust PokerByTrade with their investments, so the VIP Program will be designed to give back to those who stand out in terms of playing and investing.  In the not to distant future, PokerByTrade will begin design on our Training and Coaching Section.  We will have top level online pro’s who will offer coaching in different aspects of poker as well as user  submitted videos.  The will be a lot of news posted about this upgrade in the coming months.

The FTOPS on Full Tilt Poker has begun, and a large number of PokerByTrade members are looking for some huge scores.  With the current roster in place, its enivitable that someone representing PokerByTrade will make some final tables.

I would like to take a moment to welcome the newest member of our Admin team on PokerByTrade, Kenneth Terrell.  Ken is known thoughout the poker community as terrellk11.  Ken is a very accomplished player who has numerous big score which include a 2nd place finish in the $750k on FTP and a final table in Event #27 of the 2009 WSOP, finishing 4th for over $220k.  Ken’s knowledge will be a great asset to PokerByTrade and we look forward to all he brings to the table.

Recent Scores:

gadjet44 – $427.88 in the Stars $33.00 nolimit Holdem Tournament

gadjet44 – $423.00 in the FTP $55.00 potlimit omaha Tournament

gadjet44 – $810.91 in the Stars $33.00 nolimit Holdem Tournament

gadjet44 – $742.51 in the Stars $33.00 limit horse Tournament

AJB4 – $922.91 in the Stars $31.00 potlimit omaha8 Tournament

terrellk11 – $384.38 in the FTP $153.00 nolimit Holdem Tournament

terrellk11 – $395.50 in the Stars $162.00 nolimit Holdem Tournament

FTOPS Mini and Main Events kick off.

Posted in poker, Uncategorized with tags , , , , on May 7, 2009 by pokerbytrade

After a very successful SCOOP Series on Poker Stars, PokerByTrade members were eagerly awaiting the start of the FTOPS on Full Tilt Poker.  Last night the series began with the $22 NL 6Max mini event #1 and the $200 NL 6Max main event #1.

The fields were huge in these 2 events with close to 20k players jockeying for thier share of over $300,000.00 in prize money.  Once all was said and done, 2 PokerByTrade members had strong finishes in the $22 mini event.

raps4ever finished 155th for $200, followed up by a final table in the Daily $1 finishing 6th out of 7000 players for another $200.

BullDozer posted the deepest finish taking 9th in the $22 mini event for $2600.00

Congrats to both and PokerByTrade looks forward to many more solid finishes from its members.

PokerByTrade Member Spotlight with Paul “Poker1ab”

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on March 29, 2009 by pokerbytrade

On the heels of his recent 2nd place finish in the nightly $70 guareented on Poker Stars, I caught up with Paul aka Poker 1 ab. Paul has come a long way in a very short amount of time and has some very impressive scores in recent months.   The sky is really the limit for Paul as he is a well grounded,  humble player who is a very dedicated student of the game.

PokerByTrade:  Paul I want to thank you for taking the time to talk with me, why dont you tell us a little about yourself.

Paul: I have been playing poker for about 10 years.  A friend’s father  introduced me to omaha and limit hold em at a Christmas party and thats how I got started.   I’m from and live in Ohio, DIE HARD Bengals and Reds fan.  I have been married for 16 years now and we have 4 kids,1 of which is a foster child.  I Graduated from Ball State University and work as a Sales and Marketing Manager at a manufacturing company.

PokerByTrade:  Taking on the responsibilty of foster care has to be very inspiring.  How did you get involved?

Paul:  We have been blessed by God in our lives and we are blessed with the opportunity to help children who otherwise might not ever get to realize what a loving, caring family is about. My wife and I dedicated about 50+ hours of training time to be eligible to be foster parents.  So many kids come from backgrounds where they lack the love and and attention that most typical kids enjoy.  Its a cultural shock initially for the child going from one extreme situation to another, but after they come on and get adjusted they really begin to blossom.  Of course its hard to let them go in the end because you build this bond with them, but you hope that you have touched thier lives in a way so that they grow up and be capable of providing a better way of life for themselves.

I really believe we are here to serve a higher being.  Given to others isn’t a option for me, but a requirement for who I am.  My wife and I felt that children were where we could have the most impact.  That being said, I try to be serving to others on all levels.  I really make an effort to try and help my fellow poker players as well and hope my peers on the sites feel like I am approachable to discuss poker or give advice.

PokerByTrade: In reguards to poker, which variant would you say you enjoy the most?

Paul: While NL is my strong suit obviously since that is where the majority of my profits come from, I enjoy Omaha.  I don’t have a lot of time to devote to Omaha, but occasionally I will sit at micro games to try and keep a understanding of the game because there is such a different dynamic to it than NL.  A player by the name BowtoyourSensei has offered to coach me in horse.  I hope to crush horse after my coaching with Chardrian ends.  I also will likely seek out AJB4 for Omaha strat as well at some point.

PokerByTrade: Are you involved with any poker training sites and if so, would you say they have had a positive effect on your play?

Paul: I am a member at Poker Pwnage and have been for a few months now.  I had the priviledge to be selected as Poker Pwnage Pro Chardrian’s newest protege.  Your never thru learning in this game.  There are always going to be tweaks needed.  Surrounding yourself with top players will only help improve your game, so using a reputable training site can be nothing but beneficial if you apply yourself to becoming a better player.

PokerByTrade: While you spend a lot of time playing online, do you ever have a chance to play live?

Paul: Actually most of my games have been live until recently.  I play a good many home games.  I have also played some regional events at the casinos.  I have had some success in live poker and I really enjoy it.

PokerByTrade: How would you compare the two experiences?

Paul: One thing about live play is the fact you have more time to make decisions.  You get a lot more information to process.  Since you see a lot fewer hands, your able to concentrate alot more.  The overall interaction with the players in reguards to studying tells, figuring odds, and just the whole experience that encompasses the live aspect of poker is incredible and one I enjoy.  I just wished I had more opportunities to do so.

PokerByTrade: Recently you have been on quite a streak.  It seems like your making deep runs left and right.  If there was one thing you could put your finger on that has got you over the hump so to speak, what would it be?

Paul: Its really deploying a wider shove/fold range late.  Being more aggressive has definitely helped.  I started out as a micro limit $1 sng player when I joined Parttimepoker.  I got a few breaks,  started a $300 bap and ran it up 50% on profits.  I had ran 13 out 14 profitable heebs.  So its not like I just woke up and won a big mtt.  I feel like I have made a steady progression in my game and all the effort I put into it is really starting to come together right now.  I work on my game alot and analyze my own hand histories as well as those for others.  I think that those evaluations help me curb leaks and become stronger with my every day play.

PokerByTrade: If you could compare your style with any professional player, who would i be?

Paul: Howard Ledderer.  He is very methodical and very math oriented.  I think his and my approach to the game are a lot alike.  That being said, I cannot deny I think quietly about the idiot play I see much like the Poker Brat…..

PokerByTrade: A few weeks ago you took 2nd in the $55 $70k on Stars for $9100.  What was your take on the overall play?

Paul: I really didn’t see a lot of craziness late.  Not like in a lot of the lower limit ones I still play.  You’re at a higher buy in than the micro levels so a lot more players understand fundamentals.  Not to say that there werent some satty crazies, but overall the play was better than what you see in most smaller buy in tournaments.

PokerByTrade: At what point do you say to yourself   “Hey, I have a real shot at this”?

Paul: I was 58 of 59 at one point but made some crucial double ups when I needed it.  The cards came, and things clicked.  By the time we were right around the 20 player left mark I had a top 10 stack.  All of a sudden I feel like I’m in a position to win.  Play smart, make moves.  I loosened play at the short handed tables and played tight at the full ones.  So I’d say from 2 tables on, the way I as playing I felt I had a very realistic shot to win if I continued to play at the level I was playing.

PokerByTrade: What were the crucial hands in the last few moments?

Paul: Going in heads up, I had  3 million to my opponents 1.2 million.  I flopped top pair, but he chased and rivered a gutshot on me.  But it wasn’t like I was playing some new player that didnt understand the game or what was at stake.  The guy had over $500k in winnings.  A few hands later he flops trips to my 2 pair and it was the beginning of the end.  I dont feel like I could have played much better than maybe shoving the turn on the hand where I had top pair.

PokerByTrade: A $9100 score is very impressive in itself, but was it somewhat bittersweet that you didn’t take the whole thing down?

Paul: Its easy to go back and say well if I did this or if I had done that, then maybe I would have won but in reality I was just thankful and fortunate for what I did accomplish.  I have made steady improvements in my game and my time will come, and so will the big win.  Sure it might be a little disappointing if I really thought about it, but overall I played the best I felt I could play and it just wasnt meant to be.

PokerByTrade: What are some of your goals for the remainder of 2009?

Paul: A 5 figure cash is the first goal.  That’s something I really want to achieve.  I have a April Bap starting with $4500 and I’d really like to triple the bankroll on it.  I also want to slowly work into some higher events.  I believe that working with Chardrian will help me in terms of my goals and I really feel confident in my game right now.

PokerByTrade: I want to thank you for taking the time to speak with me Paul.  In closing if there was any advice you could give to players, what would it be?

Paul: Seek out players you respect.  Watch thier game, shadowing is free.  If possible, try and speak with them and get some pointers.  They maynot have time to get into deep strategic conversations with you, but most players will be happy to give you some tips and advice.  For me personally, I am so thankful and so appreciative of the help I was given along the way, and I enjoy giving back.  I enjoy helping others improve thier games because in the end its about us as players becoming better players.  So if I can play a role in helping others like those before me helped me, then I feel fortunate and thankful to have the opportunity to do so.  I havent forgotten the 182 $1.20 9 man sng’s that I had to grind to get the chance to play for the levels I’m at now.  That being said, I know that there are others that can do the same if they take the time and extend the efforts to truly improve.

PokerByTrade News

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on March 25, 2009 by pokerbytrade

Since PokerByTrade launched on 1 Jan 2009, things have happened at a feverish pace.  New members are signing up daily and the site itself is progressive nicely.  We are currently developing our training/coaching section and that will be a huge addition to PokerByTrade.  Our goal is to be a one stop shop for all things poker.  Whether a player is looking to invest, for stakes, coaching, or training videos, PokerByTrade will serve every need.

Recently PokerByTrade has come to terms with online poker pro BrandonPL to work with our site, serve in a part ownership role, and oversee the training section of PokerByTrade.  Brandon is a mixed game specialist who excels in most all variants of poker.  His most notable accomplishment thus far was in last years WSOP where he final tabled  Razz event #26, finishing 5th for just over $33,000.  We are thrilled to have Brandon on board and look forward to all the information and knowledge he will bring to PokerByTrade.

Notable recent finishes by PBT members:

Protentialmn – 4th, $11 6max on Stars for $578.00, 2nd $8.80 180 man sng for $248.00

Projekt – 1st, $12 180 man on Stars for $594.00

udrawdead2 – 2nd, $5.50 PLO8 on Stars for $244.00

acebrams – 3rd, $22 PLO8 on Stars for $565.00

wotan – 3rd, $5+$25 on Stars for $939 then followed it up in the same game a few days later finishing 4th for $661.00

Our Biggest winner lately has been Poker 1 ab.  ab has literally been on fire lately taking 2nd, $55 $70k for $9100.  We will be conducting a member spotlight with ab shortly to get more insight into his game, his most recent success, and himself in general.